Dear Students, Staff and Parents,
Warm Greetings to you all!
I hope and pray that all of you are safe and healthy during this time of global crisis. In the midst of a challenging and distressing time with the widespread of Covid-19, I feel good to be back with the Sacred Heart family. I am aware that I am faced with a new reality that is uncertain as I take up the task again as Principal of this great institution. We are all still taking refuge within our homes to protect ourselves and others from the virus. Around 6,575,874 Coronavirus cases have been recorded worldwide. There are at least 388,066 deaths till date. In the United States, over 1,90,2031 confirmed cases and 109,146 deaths have been recorded so far. In India, 217,554 confirmed cases and 6091 deaths have been recorded. The numbers keep soaring high every day. The economy of the entire world is in a mess. There is much sadness and despair around the world.
It is a fact that the corona virus is a cause for the migrants hitting at the bottom of the society and their pathetic lives today. Mass movement of most of the 4 crore migrant workers has created human made tragic records. The most painful situation of labourers travelling with their family and belongings hundreds of miles on foot or whatever means they could get, is an exodus repeated after the Independence. Among many heart-breaking incidents, the 1200 + km cycling, from Gurugram, Haryana, to Darbhanga, Bihar, within 7 days by a 12-year-old Jyoti Kumari, with her wounded father on the pillion, was one of them. The strong family bond made them to take such a risk to suffer any hardship, even at the cost of their life, to be with their kith and kin rather than suffer and die in an alien land. After declaring the lockdown, the labourers were kicked out of their rented house, workers lost their job and pending wages. It was a sudden nightmare for the petty daily wage earners thrown out on the streets under the sky without food and water. Community kitchen and other facilities for the migrant labourers mostly remained as media projection rather than a ground reality.
In this pathetic scenario, we are all hoping that we will gradually be coming out of our isolation and return to a semblance of life we had before the virus. In the midst of all this harsh and cruel experience, there are spiritual things that could help us. Love of family and friends these days could keep us focused on a positive approach. Faith in God Almighty who will shepherd us “even though we walk in the valley of darkness.” Hope that we will come out of this crisis as stronger and better persons, having faced it with courage and resilience. Concern for all those who suffer from the virus and for those who have died. Gratitude for the frontline health and law-enforcement workers. Prayer for guidance and strength for the world.
As we continue to hunker down with some signs of restrictions easing, there are certain realizations we are unable to ignore. CO2 emissions have come down drastically. People feel the necessity of interconnectedness and interdependence of the world. What happens in one place on planet earth can affect the other places---with enormous consequences. It is the global village indeed. In India, as in other countries, it is common sense for all to have proper medical care to prevent diseases and protect everyone. Governments must invest heavily on healthcare. This is obvious in the light of the present crisis. Look at the trillions being spent in combating this pandemic. A fraction of that money could be regularly, annually, spent on the healthcare of people. Such realizations are crystallizing for all who “have eyes to see and ears to hear.”
We are still tentatively picking our way through the pandemic. All our educational institutions are closed still and there is uncertainty about when the normal classes would commence. Thank God for the digital learning that keeps our kids occupied during this lockdown period.
I wish you God’s blessings of his presence, love, and mercy! Days and weeks are going by as we continue to shelter in our places and keep others and ourselves safe through the social distancing and wearing masks. That we continue to do these is indeed an act of love. As we eagerly look forward to the life we had before the virus, let’s be hopeful not only for the future but also for what we can be and do now during these days of isolation. We might find ourselves with more time and inclination for introspection and change of our hectic lives having slowed down.
Let’s keep all those who have died in our prayers. May the Lord give them eternal rest. May all those who suffer in various ways due to the virus find help and strength! Let’s pray for all the frontline workers who put their lives on the line. May the whole world find health and happiness.
May God bless you!
With love,
Sr. Prabha
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